أقدم طالبتي الحبيبة دعاء عبدالله والتي عانت من المرض منذ صغرها
وهي طالبة لدي بالصف الرابع
ثم انتقلت مع والدتها في ظروف صعبة للعلاج في امريكا
ومنذ ذلك الحين تتواصل معي دعاء لتخبرني عن تطورات علاجها وصحتها
وتم تحفيزها لاكمال دراستها ومتابعة تطوراتها
حتى صارت مساعد ممرض وتعتمد على نفسها الان
وهي شخصية ناجحة مثمرة
شكرا دعاء لنجاحك
والتحدي الجميل مع المرض والظروف .
I introduce my beloved student, Duaa Abdullah, who has suffered from the disease since she was young
She is my fourth grade student
Then she moved with her mother under difficult circumstances for treatment in America
Since then, Doaa has been communicating with me to tell me about the developments in her treatment and health
She was motivated to complete her studies and follow up on her developments
Until she became a nurse's assistant and is now self-reliant
She is a successful and productive person
Thank you, Doaa for your success
A beautiful challenge with illness and circumstances.